A Dialogue by Daphne Mumford

IMG_6707 copy.jpg
until...I'm face to face with death  t 9.3x14.4  .jpg
the lessons are benign          11x16      .jpg
back and forth we got.jpg
as life keeps streaming by%22.[ 14 X 9.5 } psd.jpg
a safe place for me to rest  [9.3x14]   copy.jpg
%22help me %22...I cry, as he carries me home   [9.6x14.5]  .jpg
and round and round we go .[ 9.6 x6.4]  psd.jpg
life has become and open road  [11.8x7.8]..jpg
IMG_6707 copy.jpg
until...I'm face to face with death  t 9.3x14.4  .jpg
the lessons are benign          11x16      .jpg
back and forth we got.jpg
as life keeps streaming by%22.[ 14 X 9.5 } psd.jpg
a safe place for me to rest  [9.3x14]   copy.jpg
%22help me %22...I cry, as he carries me home   [9.6x14.5]  .jpg
and round and round we go .[ 9.6 x6.4]  psd.jpg
life has become and open road  [11.8x7.8]..jpg

A Dialogue by Daphne Mumford


These images are my attempt to remedy a way of thinking about death, to present instead, an understanding of life's meaning. By living without the fear of death we can penetrate our experiences in life and seek to learn through them.

My hope is for you to see and feel the beauty of life accepting death, on a journey together, within the natural cycle of life. 


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